Yes, it's true. We've SOLD OUT this edition of the Basic Stock Market Astrology
Home Study Course, and it is currently out of print. But there's also
good news! A new, updated edition
is already in the works! A specific release date has not yet been determined, but we'll be
happy to let you know when it has (and meanwhile, we'll send you a complimentary copy of the
Financial Astrology Cheat Sheet). Just give us your name and email address here:
"Are you tired of being humiliated by the stock market?"
"Have you had all you can stomach of the Wall Street Fat Cats screwing the
little guys so they can reward themselves with obscenely gigantic bonuses?"
Then it's time for you to
with the profit power of
It's not a shock any more — it's systematic and it's sleazy.
Manipulated markets are the new normal.
The "Powers That Be" in the financial world have perfected slick ways of totally taking advantage of
individual investors and small-time traders.
The result has been theft so big it's measured in the billions — a wholesale money transfer that only
has one purpose: to line the pockets of the guys in power.
You probably never even saw it coming. You just saw the value of your stock portfolio or your 401(k) mysteriously
drop by 30%, 40%, or even 60%.
You're not alone.
It happened invisibly because in a completely corrupt system everybody is a part of the problem, starting with your broker.
Of course, your broker may not actually be called a "broker" any more. You may be dealing with a
"customer service representative," an "account manager," a "financial consultant,"
or even a "vice president" instead.
In every case, the job title is just part of the scam. Who you're really dealing with is a salesman.
Their job is to sell you on making more investments so your account will generate more fees and commissions to
keep the giant money-sucking Wall Street machine going forward, slurping up your hard-earned cash and spitting out
fat bonus checks for the overpaid executives at the top.
And worst of all, they do it because they've got you convinced you're ignorant.
They want it that way.
They want you to believe that you're not only ignorant of the way the market works, you're also too dumb to learn
and too stupid to take any action that's in your own interest.
Your ignorance is their bliss.
Take Matters into Your Own Hands
But the fact is, you can personally change all that.
You can begin by turning to the one person you can really trust — yourself!
You can grab the power back, cut through the head-in-the-sand stupidity that zaps personal initiative, and take
charge of your own destiny.
It starts with a decision to learn the facts, and that's a decision you can make today.
Knowledge is power, and when you discover the ways the market really works, you're instantly in control.
You can take action immediately and make the choices that will help you create wealth, preserve wealth, and
expand your enjoyment of a wealthy lifestyle today and an incredibly prosperous future, too.
And best of all, you can learn the secrets that can help you beat the Wall Street weasels at their own game —
the secrets of the Astro-Trading Advantage!
That's where Tim Bost's amazing "Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course" comes in.
It's a systematic, structured approach to learning how to control your own financial future by making the right
decisions in the stock market.
Throughout the Course, Tim takes you by the hand and patiently guides you step-by-step through everything you need to know.
You'll not only replace ignorance with knowledge. You'll also learn to use the turbo-charged trading and analysis
tools that keep the world's most powerful astro-traders at the top of their game!
Best of all, the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course makes it easy and fun for you to take charge.
You can learn at your own pace and repeat the lessons as much as you like, adding to your knowledge and your
self-confidence until you achieve money mastery and get your financial life back!
Are you ready to start making money with astrology?
"Who else wants the money-making secrets of the trading masters?"

Power, Clarity & Convenience
May 29, 2008 — With Tim Bost as his guest on Commodity Classics, host
Michael Yorba talks about the huge difference that the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course
has made in his ability to analyze the markets correctly.
With this remarkable home study course, you'll hear all the instructional sessions on easy-to-use audio CDs.
You can listen whenever and wherever you like: in your car, while exercising, while doing housework, while relaxing,
while commuting, while taking care of errands — you name it! You can even play some peaceful classical
music in the background to enhance your learning and retention rate with the "Mozart Effect." Or you can
play the CD on your personal computer, bring up a price chart on the screen for the stock you are studying, and
follow along with concepts you are learning about in the course. And when you're not actively listening to the CDs
in the course, a deluxe storages binder will help you keep them tidy and organized, right along with a your personal
coil-bound copy of the complete course outlines and class notes.
You get 12 complete lessons in the course — more than 30 full hours of recorded instruction from one of
the world's top experts in financial astrology! It's all yours to learn from, to enjoy, and to review as often as
you like while you master this money-making information!
Each recorded lesson comes with a complete set of handouts & lecture diagrams, all conveniently bound in the
massive Course Workbook!
An Exciting Lineup of Lessons is Ready for You to Profit from:
LESSON 1: Introduction to Astrological Principles
LESSON 2: Introduction to Market Analysis
LESSON 3: Natal Astrology & Financial Success
LESSON 4: The Astrology of the Equities Markets
LESSON 5: Corporate Astrology
LESSON 6: Macro-Economic Astrology
LESSON 7: The Moon & The Markets
LESSON 8: Getting Information on the Markets
LESSON 9: Planetary Harmonics, Ingresses, & Other Phenomena
LESSON 10: Trading With Eclipses
LESSON 11: Trading Systems & Money Management
LESSON 12: Computerization and the Financial Astrology of the Future
Each lesson is packed with valuable information. Be sure to download a complete course outline
Learn at your own pace — and put your new-found knowledge to work finding profitable
opportunities in the stock market right away!
The Best Thing About This Course Is That It Gets Results!
"What am I supposed to do? Give back all the money I've made?"
"When I talk to people who have lost millions in the stock market, I tell
them they should get Tim Bost's Home Study Course and read his weekly email letter.
And when people laugh at the idea of using financial astrology and tell me it
doesn't work, I just ask them, 'What am I supposed to do? Give back all the money
I've made by paying attention to the things Tim Bost has taught me?'"
— Norman Davis, Dallas, Texas
"I was very skeptical at first ..."
"As a single mom who works full time, I was very skeptical at first about
using astrology to make money in the stock market. But all those doubts are way
behind me now!
"I really enjoyed taking the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study
Course. It's easy to follow, and it helped me learn what's really important
in the markets.
"Since I went through the Course I have gotten to be much more comfortable
with the emotional aspect of trading. The information that I've gotten from Tim Bost
has really helped with my emotions.
"Real trading is about discipline, about being able to move past your emotions.
This course helped me learn that!
"I've learned that being effective in the markets is not just about the money.
In fact, you have to know how to lose money on a trade and be comfortable with it.
You have to know it's not about you.
"The information in this course will help you reach emotional balance. It will
give you the confidence you need to trade successfully.
"Tim's FinancialCyclesWeekly newsletter is helpful, too. I like choosing
the stocks that I want to trade based on what I've learned from Tim Bost.
"What I've learned has helped me stay in control. I used to dread looking at
my stock portfolio, because I didn't want to know how much money I had lost.
"But now the anticipation is wonderful! I can't wait to get home after work
each day to check on my portfolio and find out how my stocks are doing!
"Since I starting studying this course and began trading for myself, I've made
some pretty big mistakes in the market. But I've had some big rewards, too. On one
of my recent trades, I made over $3,100 before I got
stopped out. I really like making money this way!"
— Colette Alexander, Bradenton, Florida
Tim Bost, your instructor for the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course, gives you his personal
guarantee that you will be ecstatically satisfied!
Obviously, there's no way I can guarantee what the stock market is going to do — I wish I could!
And even though financial astrology is an incredibly powerful tool for trading and market forecasting, if you
don't actually put it to work I can't guarantee that it will give you any results!
But here's the guarantee that I will make.
Place your order today and I will send you the complete 30-hour Home Study Course
anywhere in the world. When it arrives, listen to all the CDs. Watch the bonus DVD. Study all the
lessons carefully and put the concepts you learn in the course to work in your own trading in the stock market.
At the end of 90 days, if you have sincerely given this course a fair trial, I know you'll be satisfied. But
I want you to experience more than that. If you aren't absolutely ecstatic with the course, pack it up, ship
it back to me within 90 days, and I'll refund every cent of your purchase price. Fair enough?
A few words about the course from your instructor, financial astrologer Tim Bost:
"I won't lie to you. Watching your portfolio slowly bleed to death is a horrifying, gut-wrenching
experience. You get so afraid to face the facts that you don't even want to open your brokerage statements when
they come in the mail!
"I also know that learning something new can seem pretty scary, especially if it sounds complicated,
like financial astrology.
"That's exactly why I created this Home Study Course. I've invested over 40 years learning the inner
workings of astrology, and another 20 years experiencing the ups and downs of daily trading in the stock market —
so you don't have to.
"You may have tried other trading courses. You may have read stock market books, or purchased complicated
computer software in an effort to turn your portfolio around. And you may have found much of that material way, way
over your head.
"If that was true for you, I know you'll really be delighted with my Basic Stock Market Astrology Course.
"The 12 lessons in the course assume that you don't have any background in astrology, and that you're
not an expert in the stock market, either. This truly is a basic level course for beginners.
"We recorded live in a tutorial setting, so there are plenty of questions and answers to clarify key
points. You get lecture notes, outlines, charts, and printed copies of everything I wrote on the easel pad during
the seminar sessions. We cover a lot of information, but the style is always chatty, conversational, and free-flowing,
so you never feel like you're stuck in a stuffy lecture hall. There are even a few jokes and digressions to add to
the fun of the learning experience, reminding us that making money in the stock market doesn't always have to be stressful.
"Throughout the course, you'll find that each lesson builds on the information you've already learned.
Step by step, you'll gently begin to master the skills you need to identify profitable trading opportunities —
and more importantly, to protect your hard-earned capital by reducing your exposure to market risk. Because this is
your own Home Study Course, you can take as much time as you need for each lesson — and you can repeat each
lesson as often as you like. There's no need for you to feel embarrassed or to worry about being a slow learner —
the pace you set will be the right one for you!
"By the time you finish the course, you won't be an expert on financial astrology. But you will see
market opportunities with fresh eyes. And you will have enough clarity and confidence to avoid many of the mistakes
that have been costing you a lot of money in the past.
"I'm so certain that you'll enjoy owning my Basic Stock Market Astrology Course and that you will profit
from all it teaches you, that I am giving you my ironclad 100% money-back guarantee. Listen to all 12 lessons. Study
the materials. Put the concepts to work in your trading. If you're not ecstatically satisfied, ship everything back
to me within 90 days. I'll refund your purchase price. It's as simple as that."
An Opportunity To Learn From The Best
Since 1988, Tim Bost's work as a financial astrologer has earned him an international reputation as an innovative
thinker, insightful researcher, and master teacher. His work has been cited in Barron's, the
Chicago Tribune, Bridge News, and a variety of other national and regional business
publications. His writings on financial astrology have appeared in the Llewellyn anthology How To Manage the
Astrology of Crisis and in InParadise magazine as well as in many annual editions of Jeanne
Long's Traders Astrological Almanac.
Financial Cycles, Tim's financial astrology market newsletter, began in 1988 as a print publication
and is now distributed weekly by email to traders and investors around the world. It has brought consistent praise
from popular publications and from market experts as well.
Here's what the experts have to say:
"Tim Bost is one of the world's leading authorities on the correlation between planetary patterns and price
movements in the equities markets." — Style magazine
"A thorough explanation!"
"If you are interested in how astrology may be applied to trading and investment
decisions, check out Tim Bost's Financial Cycles report. It is not just a tip
sheet, but a thorough explanation of the potential geocosmic relationships with the
stock and commodity market trends."
— Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
"Tim brings clarity to a complex subject!"
"Tim Bost's insights into technical analysis and the intricate planetary
patterns impacting the stock market are impressive. By all means take a look at
Financial Cycles and his Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study
Course. His work brings clarity to a complex subject."
— Grace K. Morris, M.A., www.astroeconomics.com
"If you invest or trade stocks, Tim Bost's Financial Cycles is a must. He consistently
picks winning stocks and combines this with good money management. Tim's letters and advisory services
represent excellent value and an indispensable addition to any stock trader's arsenal."
— Norman Winski, Astro-Trend
"Right on the money!"
"I use Tim Bost's commentaries in my lectures across the country, giving him
full credit every time. I find that his observations are right on the money and he
backs up his commentaries because of his knowledge of all financial systems and
their current state of affairs. I also find that he uses astrology in a language
that the regular person can understand. That is worth a lot to people who don't
speak 'astrologese'."
— Georgia Stathis, author of Business Astrology 101
"Good work on the planet!"
"Tim, from a very deep and sincere place, thanks for your good work on the planet."
— Dianne Lancaster, 4-Sight Consulting Inc.
"I wish I knew what you know!"
"Tim, I so wish I knew 1/1000th of what you know about the financial world!"
— Noel Tyl, Harvard-trained psychologist, author of 33 astrology
textbooks & recipient of the Regulus Award at the United Astrology Congress
"Well worth the cost!"
"For those who are interested in a professionally presented, well-thought-out
market letter utilizing Financial Astrology principles, I'd recommend Financial
Cycles, edited by Tim Bost of Sarasota, Florida. Every issue contains interesting
information on current transits in effect, and Bost's thoughts on what they might
portend for the U.S. stock market. In addition, he keeps on top of a model stock
portfolio based on astrological signatures and techical analysis studies. Frequently
he offers a review of the latest publications or software programs on Financial
Astrology. All in all, it's a great read and well worth the cost of subscription."
— Raymond Merriman, Editor, MMA Cycles Report
"Money always comes through knowledge."
"If you use your time in getting knowledge you are putting it to the best
advantage. Money always comes through knowledge."
— W.D. Gann
Who else wants to make money with astrology? Join these successful students!
"An entire university course in financial astrology!"
"If you want a get-rich-quick method to use in day-trading commodities futures, this
is definitely not the course for you. It's not about that kind of high-pressure trading.
"But if you're really motivated to learn about astrology and how it can be used in
the stock market, make sure you consider what Tim Bost has to offer. He's a very
enthusiastic instructor, and you can feel confident that everything he says is grounded
in reality.
"This program is an intense, in-depth experience. It's like taking an entire
university course in financial astrology!"
— Leland Stevenson, Fort McCoy, Florida
Student Colette Alexander talks about her experience with the
Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course.
"Support and Guidance at a High Level!"
"Tim Bost is very knowledgeable and a true professional. Because you receive
support and guidance at a high level of understanding, working with Tim can be a
great asset in your quest to learn financial astrology. I have met several financial
astrologers from all over the world. Tim is in a class different than most people
in his profession."
— Dean Clairmont, San Diego, California
"An absolute wealth of information!"
"My copy of the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course arrived
on 23rd January and I have now played all the CD's and the DVD. I find that there
is an absolute wealth of information and it will take me some time to absorb it all.
I have been studying astrology for over 40 years and the stock market less intensely
until this last 12 months when I have taken up the study of Technical Analysis and
derivative trading.
"As you can deduce from my age, one reason for doing financial astrology/stock
market is to eke out a slightly better living in retirement!
"Many thanks for a most interesting course."
— Brian Perry, Bridgwater, Somerset, United Kingdom
But wait — there's more!
That's right! When you order the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course today, you get exceptional value!
You'll get all 12 course lessons on 31 audio CDs, along with a deluxe storage binder.
You'll get the massive 250-page Course Workbook, containing astrological charts, lesson outlines, and extra
visual material to speed up your learning process.
And you'll also get a special Bonus DVD! This powerful visual presentation, packed with more than an hour of
money-making update information, is valued at $300. But it comes as your bonus with the Course ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Student Douglas Capehart talks about his experience with the
Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course.
An Embarrassingly Low Price!
Considering the incredible money-making potential of the high-powered information in this exciting Home Study Course, it's
no wonder that it has become an international best-seller.
The price is so low it's almost embarrassing, but if you order right now you can get your personal copy without paying a penny
more — and that includes all 12 lessons, the huge Course workbook, and the Bonus DVD, too!
With such a wealth of material and a no-risk guarantee for you, the Basic Stock Market Astrology Home Study Course is an incredible value.
So order your Course today! Secure online transactions are processed through PayPal®
and all major credit cards are accepted.
Tim Bost's Ironclad 100% Money-Back Guarantee
"I'm so confident that you'll enjoy owning my Basic Stock Market Astrology Course and that you will
profit from what it teaches you, that I am offering you my ironclad 100% money-back guarantee. Listen to all 12
lessons. Study the materials and put the concepts to work in the stock market. If you aren't ecstatically satisfied,
ship everything back to me within 90 days and I'll refund your purchase price. It's as simple as that."
P.S. — Remember that you'll get all 31 CDs, the storage case, the 250-page Home Study Workbook,
the $300 Bonus DVD, and the Ironclad 100% Money-Back Guarantee. This is information that can turn your financial
life around, and there's absolutely no risk to you!
Yes, it's true. We've SOLD OUT this edition of the Basic Stock Market Astrology
Home Study Course, and it is currently out of print. But there's also
good news! A new, updated edition
is already in the works! A specific release date has not yet been determined, but we'll be
happy to let you know when it has (and meanwhile, we'll send you a complimentary copy of the
Financial Astrology Cheat Sheet). Just give us your name and email address here: